Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Drill and more of the video

Today we had a lockdown and shelter drill. All lights were turned out, the blind on the door was pulled down and the door was locked. We sat in silence on the floor until the drill was over and then we watched more of the video. In the video, we learned that after a while, the Fertile Crescent became overused and eventually dried up so civilizations had to move to a new place. They travelled east to west but not necessarily on purpose. They also learned how to control fires leading them to the discovery of plaster due to melted limestone. They used plaster on their homes to keep wind and bugs out. This was a great new discovery because a lot can be done if you know how to control your fires. Such as the making of bronze and plaster. Civilizations moving along the lines of latitude caused explosion of certain civilizations in their new discoveries.

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