Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Back to School After the Snow Day

Today we finally started talking about Ancient Egypt. We started off by talking about the geography of Ancient Egypt. Egyptian life is centered around the longest river in the world, the Nile River. There are three different branches of the Nile converging into one. They used the Nile for drinking water, irrigating, bathing, and transportation. Ancient Egyptians were the first people to invent the sail boat. At the end of the Nile, there is a delta (a broad, marshy, triangular are of fertile silt) which is very helpful to the Egyptians. Every July, the river floods and every October it leaves behind rich soil. Managing the river required technological breakthroughs in irrigation. We then talked about their pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Giza (a recumbent lion with the head of a human, built 2555-2532 BC). This is the oldest monumental statue in the world (4,547 years old). After that we talked about their daily life. Their lives basically went off of their rank. The pharaoh was #1. After that came government official/nobles/priests, soldiers, scribes, merchants, artisans, farmers, and then slaves and servants. Tomorrow we do not have class and we are off Friday and Monday. Tuesday we should learn more about Ancient Egypt.

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