Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Government of Ancient Rome and the US

Today I was late to class so I was a little behind on the notes, but we talked about Rome and the US's 3 branches of government. 1. executive 2. legislative 3. judicial.

Rome (SPQR) : Executive

  • Two consuls 
  • One year terms 
  • Each has veto power
  • Controls military
  • Could appoint a dictator in a crisis for a six-month term 
US: Executive 
  • President and VP
  • 4 year terms 
  • Can veto proposed laws
  • Commander- in- Chief 
SPQR: legislative 
  • Senate 300 people, aristocrats 
  • assemblies 
  • ALL members for LIFE 
US: Legislative 
  • Senate, 100 senators, two from each state
  • 6 year terms 
  • House of Representatives, 435 members 
SPQR: Judicial 
  • prators 
  • chosen by the Centuriate Assembly
  • 1 year terms 
US: Judicial 
  • Supreme Court 
  • 9 members 
  • Appointed by the President, confirmed by the senate
  • Lifetime terms 

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