Monday, April 27, 2015


  • Titus opened the coliseum 
  • It was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater
  • Was the largest amphitheater in the Roman world
  • Inside, contained seating for more than 50,000 spectators
  • Has over 80 entrances 
  • The last gladiatorial fights took place in 435 AD
  • Festivals/games could last up to 100 days in the coliseum
  • Took 9 years to build 
  • Built in 72 AD
Circus Maximus
  • Was a chariot racetrack first constructed in the 6th century BCE
  • Located in the valley between the Palatine and Aventine hills
  • Oldest and largest public space in Rome 
  • The track was originally covered in sand
  • Also used for other public events such as the Roman Games and gladiator fights
  • Principal function was as a chariot racetrack and host of the Roman Games which honored Jupiter. 
  • The track had 12 starting gates and a decorated barrier that ran down the center of the track
Roman Forum
  • The Roman Forum was an open space in the center of a Roman City (open place or market place)
  • Forums might be surrounded by temples, shops, and basilicas.
  • The Roman Senate was housed in a building inside the Roman Forum 
  • Imperial Fora: group of forums built by emperors 
  • Forum was originally a market place but was also used for funerals and festivals
  • The Roman Forum was built by Romulus 
  • The Roman Aqueducts were used for indoor sewer systems that carried water away from the city
  • They obviously also provided drinking water 
  • Built of stone, brick and pozzuolana (special volcanic cement)
  • Of the approx. 260 mi. of the aqueduct system, only 30 miles consisted of visible arched structures
  • First aqueduct was built in 312 BC
  • Water in aqueducts ran through concrete channels
  • Advanced Roman plumbing 
  • Also brought water to public fountains
  • Took 500 years to build Rome's massive system 

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