Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Essay Portion of Exam

Today we had a really short class due to the senior awards assembly this morning. We only had like a 30 minute class to write our essays. Thankfully, Mr. Schick only made us do two essays and not three. I'm really glad because there is no way I would have been able to finish three good essays in that amount of time. I think my essays are pretty good for having written them in only like 25 minutes so hopefully I do well on them.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Rome Test

Today in class we took the test on Ancient Rome. Thankfully, I think I did really well. After everyone finished their tests, we got on Mr. Schick's blog and went over the essay questions for the essay portion of the exam we will take tomorrow. Mr. Schick had all of our tests graded by the end of class so we all got to know our grades. We also got to choose whether we wanted to keep our projects or get rid of them.

Friday, May 22, 2015


Today for the entire class we reviewed for the Rome test. I'm very thankful we did that because it showed me exactly what I need to study and what I don't know. I made a really helpful study guide in class while we reviewed and took some more notes. We obviously don't have school on Monday and Tuesday is the test so today was our last day to review. Then, we have the first part of our exam on Wednesday–the essay portion.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

More Group Presentations

Today my group presented and I think we did pretty well. We did pretty well answering questions and showing our model of the baths. Then Ryan, Luke and Pierce presented their crucification project. They did a really good job making that cross and did a pretty good job presenting.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Project Presenting

Today in class we watched three groups present. First, we watched Kacey and Meridith present their Libum and pottery. They presented their tri-fold and then passed out grape juice and Libum. They did a great job! Then we watched Avery's PowerPoint and saw her painting. The painting she made illustrated the old paintings they would place over mummy's heads. She was inspired by a certain painting and she did a really good job re-illustrating it. Great artist! Last but not least, Hunter and Stevie presented their aqueduct. It was somewhat different from the ancient aqueducts but it still worked really well and looked great! Everyone did a good job and deserves good grades. Tomorrow my group presents first then other groups will follow.

Friday, May 15, 2015


Today Mr. Schick let us work on our projects for the entire class which was really helpful. My group started hot gluing our project, now all we have left is to finish typing our paper. I'm hoping everything goes well with our project. We are the first group to present on Tuesday morning.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Pop Quiz and Project

Today we started off class with a pop quiz. I did pretty well. Then, we thankfully had time to work on our group projects. The project is due Monday so I'm glad we had time to work on it!